Voices from the South: The Role of Civil Society in Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction

Reports/papers (non-specific)
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Published: March 2003
Product code:G01070

This report examines the role of civil society in improving the linkages between the biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction agendas. It has two components:
1. An overview of civil society influence on international biodiversity policy, focusing in particular on how the concerns of people-oriented organisations are represented in the
negotiations of the CBD and CITES, and addressed in the policies and programmes of major conservation NGOs. It also looks at how international development NGOs seek to influence
biodiversity conservation policy and address biodiversity objectives in their work.
2. A more detailed case study of Tanzania, examining the influence of civil society on biodiversity conservation policy (both government and NGO), including mechanisms for policy influence and information flows. The study also reviews how biodiversity objectives are addressed in poverty reduction policy and the channels of influence for conservation NGOs.

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Swiderska, K., Roe, D. and Maganga, F. (2003). Voices from the South: The Role of Civil Society in Linking Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/g01070