Mainstreaming nature in development: A brief guide to political economy analysis for non-specialists, UNEP-WCMC, UK

, 30 pages
PDF (4.88 MB)
Published: October 2021
ISBN: 9781784319304
Product code:20566G

This guide is intended to help people working in conservation and development to use political economy analysis (PEA). The right approach to PEA can help them to understand the many ‘political’ factors that, so often, are critical to the success of conservation initiatives in given contexts – and especially to efforts to encourage the ‘mainstreaming’ of nature into development decisions.

This short guide draws on lessons from developing countries where different forms of PEA have been applied over the last 20 years and encourages wider application of a streamlined approach.

Cite this publication

Bass, S., Roe, D., Hou Jones, X. and Dublin, H. (2021). Mainstreaming nature in development: A brief guide to political economy analysis for non-specialists, UNEP-WCMC, UK. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
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