Routes to change: rural women’s voices in land, climate and market governance in sub-Saharan Africa

Project report
, 55 pages
PDF (615.03 KB)
Published: July 2021
ISBN: 9781784319069
Product code:20331IIED

In 1995, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action identified women’s unequal share of power and decision-making as a critical area of concern for gender equality. While there have been some improvements in women’s formal political participation in the interim, they remain underrepresented in most decision-making processes across the globe. This is particularly the case in the global South, where rural women tend to bear the bulk of the impacts of poverty and climate change, often without any opportunity to voice their needs or priorities. 

This report, through a cross-sectoral analysis of three recent case studies from sub-Saharan Africa, maps out the most effective tools and approaches for strengthening rural women’s voices in decision-making processes.

Specifically, the authors examine which are the key factors enabling or constraining rural women’s voices, what the main challenges are that practitioners should be aware of, and how projects can ensure rural women are able to participate in and influence decision making affecting their livelihoods. In doing so, the report offers both empirical insights and practical recommendations for more relevant, better integrated policy and programming.

Cite this publication

Sutz, P., Beauchamp, E. and Bolin, A. (2021). Routes to change: rural women’s voices in land, climate and market governance in sub-Saharan Africa. IIED, London.
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